Contact information

Poules en ville ( Urban Chicken Coops) 2640 rue Du Pauillac, Terrebonne, QC J6Y 2B4

Email for informations:

Email for administration:

Phone: 514-229-4455 : From Monday to Friday 9h to 11h and 13h to 16h.

Always provide your name and phone number please. Name, phone, email on each messages for a quick response.

Consulting Services

If you have any questions about your hens or your Coop, please answer the questions below: click on the link to print the form. The consulting service fee is $25 per 30 minutes and is payable by wire transfer to

If you have a sick chicken, isolate it! Take her weight every day, temperature and droppings samples as needed.

Co-ops and feed mills can invite Louise Arbour to provide trainings in their province, cities, when travelling expenses are covered and or sponsered. Attendence of a confirmed group must be done prior and fees are discussed case by case.

Cities are welcome to contact me in order to invite me to present a lecture/presentation, with accompaniment in the project of legalization or training for their citizens.

sign up for the online training at Webinar Training online webinar



This site and the book Chickens in my yard, contain information and recommendations on how to feed chickens and care for them in case of illness. I am neither an agronomist nor a veterinarian, and I do not claim to be a substitute for these professions or their recommendations. In this sense, all the information contained in this site, and more specifically that relating to chicken diseases, is provided for information purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or treatment. The information presented on this site and in the book should in no way replace a genuine consultation with a veterinarian. Neither the publisher nor the author, and by extension the website of Poules en Ville, could be held responsible for possible allergies or reactions following the use of the recommended products or the realization of the recipes suggested in this book. The recipes and various suggestions are offered for information purposes only and are not intended to be prescriptive. The consulting services offered are not a diagnostic service nor a treatment plan. They do not replace veterinary services. They aim to help you put in place preventive measures and good governance to help you go to a veterinary consultation when necessary. They aim to direct you to the right information and resources to help you make the right decisions.

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The book "Des poules dans ma cour"

Published by ÉCOSOCIÉTÉ. Available in all good bookstores!

Note* abroad participants will see applicable rates apply.

Caroline Tremblay
Caroline Tremblay
Such a good book! Bravo for all the reasearch! 🙂
Nancy Studer
Nancy Studer
Like me, you've had chickens for a few years and you think that online training or books are not for you? Think again! You quickly realize the quality of the information and how much research has been done in order to be able to create such complete tools. It's never too late to learn and modify, even a little, our practices in order to offer even better to our chickens. Don't like to read? Give yourself the gift of online training, or you'll love the book that reads itself!Congratulations! For me, you are THE reference person!
Mylène Ferron
Mylène Ferron
I took the online training (webinar) offered by Urban Chicken Coops because I had the idea of building an urban chicken coop this summer. I didn't know anything about chickens or coops, and the information I found online was often contradictory. Until I found the Urban Chicken Coops website! The training offered is complete (very) and Ms. Arbour transmits her knowledge in a simple and understandable way for everyone. I highly recommend her!
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