Surprise at the nest this morning, a mini soft-shelled egg. This is an indicator that a laying break is about to set in with one of my hens. They have been very productive so far. I have supplemented their feed with lots of chopped greens this week as well as some oat groats and buckwheat with sunflower seeds.

A good laying hen will lay up to 250 eggs per year. She will start laying at the age of 5/ 6 months and this until the end of her life which can last between 5 to 8 years. Be aware that after the age of 3 years, your hen will become less productive.

Educational capsule: Did you know that you must place the eggs pointing down in the container? This way the air sac will better protect the yolk and the white which contains a lot of water will not dry out and will be protected at the bottom of the egg.


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The book "Des poules dans ma cour"

Published by ÉCOSOCIÉTÉ. Available in all good bookstores!

Note* abroad participants will see applicable rates apply.

Caroline Tremblay
Caroline Tremblay
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Such a good book! Bravo for all the reasearch! 🙂
Nancy Studer
Nancy Studer
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Like me, you've had chickens for a few years and you think that online training or books are not for you? Think again! You quickly realize the quality of the information and how much research has been done in order to be able to create such complete tools. It's never too late to learn and modify, even a little, our practices in order to offer even better to our chickens. Don't like to read? Give yourself the gift of online training, or you'll love the book that reads itself!Congratulations! For me, you are THE reference person!
Mylène Ferron
Mylène Ferron
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I took the online training (webinar) offered by Urban Chicken Coops because I had the idea of building an urban chicken coop this summer. I didn't know anything about chickens or coops, and the information I found online was often contradictory. Until I found the Urban Chicken Coops website! The training offered is complete (very) and Ms. Arbour transmits her knowledge in a simple and understandable way for everyone. I highly recommend her!
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