Webinar course on how to Keep and Care for Backyard Chickens in Canada regular price $125- special at $55
The most complete and full of resources webinar ever on keeping backyard chickens. Over 67 videos, from a real urban backyard keeper and author. An informative online course for urban chicken keepers. Delivered to citizens and families. More than 6 hours of teaching videos, know how, tips, tricks, and all you need to know to be able to care for your chickens the safest and most responsible way. order on the platerforme, not here More info click here
Online delivery of this course allows folks to participate from all across Canada at any time. Registre and listen when you want. You have 3 months to finish and get your certificate.
The webinar is really optimized for urban keepers, not for production nor for industry producers. The best training is with Urban Chicken Coops Canada. 125$ Regular price… Click the link below to be redirected