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Localisez vos magasins de Grains et de poules pondeuses: 0


Lists of Coops, feed mills, Veterinarians, cities that allow urban hens and local slaughterhouses by regions below (PDF) by administrative regions.

Your store does not appear in the list? Contact us at to have it added.

Click on the link below:

Lists of shops and coops by city and administrative region

List of citiesthat allow urban hens(carte de géolocalisation)

Liste des magasins par régions et par vétérinaires

For the most up to date list of veterinarians supporting backyard livestock go to the EQCMA website.

La liste des vétérinaires se trouve aussi sur EQCMA.CA

Should you ever have to dispose of your roosters or hens, here is a list of slaughterhouses that you can contact to see if they can accommodate you.

List of Quebec’s slaughterhouses

Farm Stores
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