1. Buy hens from unknown sources, disease-carrying, unvaccinated, old, or from dishonest people. Have failed to carry out a preventive quarantine or have made a good observation of the plumage and overall health of the hens.
- Not having chosen the right species resistant to the cold of our climate.
- Underestimating predators and not having designed a safe enough henhouse! Think about automatic doors with timers! Available at Poules en Ville online store.
- Considering that you have adult chickens among the 43 cold-resistant species, some will overheat or over-insulate a chicken house, or keep the chickens indoors in winter or not enough ventilation.
- Put too many chickens in a poultry house or pen that is too small and without shade. Or having only 2 chickens makes them very vulnerable and poses several behavioural problems. Having an uncovered aviary that makes the ground wet and does not protect against weather or pathogens from wild birds.
- Place the hens in an enclosed, poorly ventilated coop with no natural daylight.
- Do not have a first-aid kit or a voting booth ready in your pharmacy.
- Not knowing the biosafety rules.
- Not having the prior knowledge to introduce new chickens into an already established flock.
- Not having properly checked municipal by-laws, not having consulted your councillors and planners to frame and legislate the practice. Not having invited these people to meet with you beforehand and not having put in place a strategic plan to move the issue forward.